Thursday, October 2, 2008

Top 5 eBay Vinyl Record Sales

Week Ending 09/06/2008

1) 45rpm - Margaret Little "Love Finds A Way" / "I Need Some Loving" Genbro - $7,400.00

2) 45rpm - Lester Tipton "This Won't Change" / "Go On" La Beat - $7,200.00

3) 45rpm - Tommy & The Derby's "Don't Play The Role" / "Handy Andy" Swing - $4,161.00

4) 45rpm - Al Williams "I Am Nothing" / "Brand New Love" La Beat - $3,220.00

5) LP - Soul Expedition self titled Private Press - $2,939.29



  1. It's amazing what can be found on eBay. Thanks for throwing these lists together...Very interesting stuff!

  2. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  3. I cannot take credit for these wonderful pieces of information, I get this data from:

    I have to thank the powers that be over there for making this available. I also want to apologize to the site owner, as I have not been citing them as the source for this data. This is a cardinal sin and I have no explanation other than to say it is certainly a major gaffe on my part.

    I also visited this person's eBay store and find that they have oodles of quality vinyl for sale and with a rating of 99.9% this would be a great place for any of us to shop at and pick up some great collectible vinyl records.

    I have made it easy for us, in the links section, just click on eBay Power Seller and it will take you to their store.


  4. Another quick note- justed started listening to the radio station associated with Counter Clock- love it

    Look under Counter Clock Radio in the links section to hear some tunes while you play on the puter!

