Friday, October 15, 2010

Get A Flu Shot!

Longtime readers know that I post something just about every day, but something happened to me that broke a string of posts I have been doing for the past two years.  Every other day I post 'This Date In Music History,' and I missed my first one yesterday.  My apologies to those who like the feature, but I was just too sick to work at the computer yesterday and will have Saturday's post ready (Oct 16).

It's kind of ironic that I started feeling sick the day after I had gone to the doctor's office for an appointment.  I picked up a TIME magazine while I waited and thought nothing of it after I left.  However, after giving it some thought, the magazines at a doctor's office are the last thing that anyone should touch.  I am not a germ-phobe or anything like that, but think about it.  Do you think that all the sick people who go to the doc's office actually practice proper hygene?  I doubt it.    So this is my advice -  NEVER touch the magazines at a doctor's office and get a FLU SHOT!

Honestly, you do not want this bug, it has really been a tough one to shake.  Hopefully, I am going to get back up to par, I have a new contest coming up as well as some new stories to add.  As always, thank you for stopping by the blog and please, feel free to offer suggestions as to how to improve it.


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