Week Ending 08/01/2009
1. 45 - The Beatles "Our First Four" Promotional Presentation (Plastic) - $13,058.88
2. 45 - Ellipsis "People" / "Gregory Moore" Briarmeade - $3,383.33
3. 45 - Al Williams "I Am Nothing" / "Brand New Love" Palmer - $2,650.00
4. LP - The Who "self titled" Italy Polydor (A Quick One) - $2,300.00
5. 45 - Nirvana "Love Buzz" 462/1000 Sub Pop - $2,224.99
As always, A special thank you to Norm at http://ccdiscoveries.blogspot.com/ for this great data.
Stop by and listen to Accidental Nostalgia with Norm & Jane
On Radio Dentata Thursdays 4PM PDT/7PM EDT
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