I want to bring your attention to a new site and organization dedicated to the vinyl record. I hope you take the time and visit the site (although it seems to be a work in progress) and learn what the organization can do for our wonderful audio format.
The Vinyl Preservation Society of Idaho was founded on the following principles and respectfully asks its members to adopt them and embrace them as their own.
The 10 Commandments
1) Honor the importance of music as an art form
2) Listen actively and with intention
3) Respect others and their musical choices
4) Maintain an open mind and a curious ear
5) Choose vinyl whenever there’s a musical choice to be made
6) Preserve our vinyl heritage by caring for and about vinyl records
7) Recognize your ownership of the Society by actively influencing its direction
and development
8) Evangelize the vinyl life and your role as an Ambassador for the Society at
every opportunity
9) Share your vinyl history, knowledge and passion
10) Support your local independent record merchants
I am extremely interested and anything that anyone can do to support this historical audio format gets my thumbs up! I will be learning more about the society and hopefully have more information very soon!
Monday, November 26, 2007
Sunday, November 25, 2007
eBay Vinyl Record Sales
I would like to thank the gentleman who operates http://ccdiscoveries.blogspot.com/ for this weekly update with regard to vinyl record sales on the auction giant eBay
Vinyl Records Top 5 eBay Sales Week Ending 11/24/2007
Top 5 List:
1. 12" - Madonna "Erotica" Picture Disc - $5,250.00 Start: $5,250.00 Bids: 1
2. 45 - Beatles VS Four Seasons Picture Sleeve $5,100.00 Start: $9.99 Bids: 33
3. 45 - The Savoys "Can It Be" / "Now She's Left Me" - $3,827.77 Start: $3,827.77 Bids: 4
4. 45 - The Honeys "Surfin Down The Swanee River" / "Shoot The Curl" - $3,605.88 Start: $0.99 Bids: 20
5. 45 - Gene Toones "What More Do You Want" / "How It Feels" - $2,598.00 Start: $99.99 Bids: 26
Additionally, here are the eBay sales for the following weeks in mid October and early/mid November:
Vinyl Records Top 5 eBay Sales - 5 Week Update List
Week Ending 10/20
1. 45 RPM - Soul Incorporated "My Proposal" - $3,750.00
2. 45 RPM - Professionals "That's Why I Love You" - $3,261.99
3. 45 RPM - Carbon Copies "Just Don't Love You" - $3,254.04
4. LP - Hank Mobley - $2,826.00
5. LP - Lee Morgan "Indeed" $2,375.00
Week Ending 10/27
1. LP - Mozart Sonatas Vox Box Set - $8,000.00
2. LP - Boyd Bennett - $3,374.00
3. 45 - The Chosen Few - $3,057.77
4. LP - Bach Sonatas, Jacques Dumond Box Set - $3,050.00
5. LP - Pink Floyd blue vinyl - $3,000.00
Week Ending 11/03
1. LP - Bach Cello Suites, Andre Levy Box Set - $20,000.00
2. 45 - Joy Division "An Ideal For Living" - $2,247.22
3. LP - Beatles "Abbey Road" Rare UK Issue - $2,225.00
4. LP - Tina Brooks "True Blue" - $1,925.00
5. LP - Metallica "And Justice For All" Japan - $1,752.00
Week Ending 11/10
1. LP - Axehammer "Windrider" - $9,099.00
2. LP - Bach Sonatas, Jacques Dumond Box Set - $5,223.00
3. 45 - George Harrison "Love Comes To Everyone" Picture
Sleeve - $3,999.00
4. 45 - (Northern Soul) - $3,550.00
5. LP - Bach Sonatas, Devy Erlih Box Set - $3,468.00
Week Ending 11/17
1. LP - Frank Ballard "Rhythm Blues Party" - $2,995.00
2. 45 - Bob & Sheri - $2,927.98
3. 12" - U2 "Pride" Clear Vinyl Australia - $2,750.00
4. 45 - Negative Approach test press - $2,410.00
5. LP - Bach Suite Violin Cello, Annlies Schmidt Box Set -
Vinyl Records Top 5 eBay Sales Week Ending 11/24/2007
Top 5 List:
1. 12" - Madonna "Erotica" Picture Disc - $5,250.00 Start: $5,250.00 Bids: 1
2. 45 - Beatles VS Four Seasons Picture Sleeve $5,100.00 Start: $9.99 Bids: 33
3. 45 - The Savoys "Can It Be" / "Now She's Left Me" - $3,827.77 Start: $3,827.77 Bids: 4
4. 45 - The Honeys "Surfin Down The Swanee River" / "Shoot The Curl" - $3,605.88 Start: $0.99 Bids: 20
5. 45 - Gene Toones "What More Do You Want" / "How It Feels" - $2,598.00 Start: $99.99 Bids: 26
Additionally, here are the eBay sales for the following weeks in mid October and early/mid November:
Vinyl Records Top 5 eBay Sales - 5 Week Update List
Week Ending 10/20
1. 45 RPM - Soul Incorporated "My Proposal" - $3,750.00
2. 45 RPM - Professionals "That's Why I Love You" - $3,261.99
3. 45 RPM - Carbon Copies "Just Don't Love You" - $3,254.04
4. LP - Hank Mobley - $2,826.00
5. LP - Lee Morgan "Indeed" $2,375.00
Week Ending 10/27
1. LP - Mozart Sonatas Vox Box Set - $8,000.00
2. LP - Boyd Bennett - $3,374.00
3. 45 - The Chosen Few - $3,057.77
4. LP - Bach Sonatas, Jacques Dumond Box Set - $3,050.00
5. LP - Pink Floyd blue vinyl - $3,000.00
Week Ending 11/03
1. LP - Bach Cello Suites, Andre Levy Box Set - $20,000.00
2. 45 - Joy Division "An Ideal For Living" - $2,247.22
3. LP - Beatles "Abbey Road" Rare UK Issue - $2,225.00
4. LP - Tina Brooks "True Blue" - $1,925.00
5. LP - Metallica "And Justice For All" Japan - $1,752.00
Week Ending 11/10
1. LP - Axehammer "Windrider" - $9,099.00
2. LP - Bach Sonatas, Jacques Dumond Box Set - $5,223.00
3. 45 - George Harrison "Love Comes To Everyone" Picture
Sleeve - $3,999.00
4. 45 - (Northern Soul) - $3,550.00
5. LP - Bach Sonatas, Devy Erlih Box Set - $3,468.00
Week Ending 11/17
1. LP - Frank Ballard "Rhythm Blues Party" - $2,995.00
2. 45 - Bob & Sheri - $2,927.98
3. 12" - U2 "Pride" Clear Vinyl Australia - $2,750.00
4. 45 - Negative Approach test press - $2,410.00
5. LP - Bach Suite Violin Cello, Annlies Schmidt Box Set -
Saturday, November 24, 2007
Behind the scenes with Mr. Completely
I had a great time speaking with Jamie Robertson of the Canadian rock outfit, Mr. Completely. He is down to earth and very personable and here is the article I wrote about our conversation. If you get a chance, and you like the classic rock sound, you must check out the band's debut release entitiled "Twice on Sundays."
Behind the scenes with Mr. Completely
Canadian Rockers Share Their Thoughts
Hailing from the blue-collar town of Campbell River, British Columbia, Canada, is a working man’s rock and roll outfit called Mr. Completely. Their critically acclaimed self-released debut CD entitled “Twice on Sundays” has been well received by audiences who love the group’s blend of classic rock, blues rock and emotional pop.
In an interview with Jamie Robertson, the energetic lead singer, we detail many of the elements that make Mr. Completely the dynamic rock and roll band that they have become.
“Our band was originally called “Month of Sundays,” but there was already a band that called themselves “A Month of Sundays,” so out of respect for those musicians, we decided a new name was in order,” explained Jamie. “So we asked our fans to vote on several alternative band names including “Sideline Poets,” “Ten Beer Pretty” and “Stingray,” among others. The online votes were tabulated and the name Mr. Completely was born.”
But what are the origins of the name and why that name? Jamie explained:
“We have added integral pieces to the band, in the form of personnel (in fact Jamie is the only original member of Month of Sundays) including guitarist extraordinaire Richard Spencer, “Hot Rod” Campbell on the drums and our anchorman George Milutinovic on bass guitar. So we completed our line up. So the name depicts the image that we are a complete band, we are family and have been together for some time now. In fact, the special bond we share even extends to our families, we are lifetime friends and even if the band were to fold, we would still hang out.”
“Our song writing is also a group effort. I may bring in a main idea or concept and we all have our distinct area of expertise and we incorporate all of our ideas to form the finished product. We get together once a week to practice, but our collaborative efforts go way beyond that. So our music and our CD reflect this union of the minds.”
When asked what specific band members do outside of the group, Jamie replied:
“We are all hard-working family men. I worked on the B.C. ferry for many years and I have left that employment to concentrate on our family sawmill business. Richard and Rod are both expert carpenters and George works in a pulp mill.”
Another question that was asked is about the specific order of the songs on their debut CD.
“Being an independent band, we decide the order of the cuts and we try to get the best flow, what fits where and the best way to shape the music so every song can be highlighted in its own way.”
As far as being termed an “indie” band, Jamie explained the elements that he feels make up the term:
“We certainly use different distribution methods, we like the control that we have; we wear all the hats, management, production, promotion as well as being the musicians. And we are ready to record another CD, but we definitely need some financial backing, so in respect we are totally “indie.” We don’t have the resources or record label as of yet, but would welcome the opportunity to be signed.”
“We have signed on with A & R Select out of Hollywood and hopefully they can find us some work on a movie soundtrack or television series. This saves the band a lot of “door knocking” and frees us up to concentrate on our music and families. But that does not mean that we don’t do our part to promote ourselves, on the contrary, my wife (Mrs. Completely) works very hard organizing our gigs, recording schedules, designing and maintaining our websites and My Space page and much more. We would not be where we are at without her hard work, she is very dedicated to making sure we are successful,” related Jamie.
Another important question is about the songs that they write and some of the influences and experiences of playing in a band and playing a live show.
“As soon as we are done writing a particular song and everyone is satisfied with their input, we ‘test drive’ it and play it live to gage the audience’s reaction and to see if we have created the song to the best of our ability. Then there is the thrill and personal satisfaction of performing in front of a large crowd, to get the emotional reaction to the song. We feel we are offering a service to our fans; we love to play our music as much as they enjoy hearing it. Music helps us through the hard times and can enhance the times that are already good. You can touch people’s lives with music on so many levels.”
“This may sound a bit strange, but some of our best shows are the many benefit shows that we do locally. So it isn’t all about the money. We take great pleasure in our live sets and feed off the energy of our audience. Plus, meeting new people and playing for these enthusiastic crowds inspires us. I love meeting fans and hearing from them how much they love our songs or hearing someone is using our song at their wedding for the first dance makes me feel that what I am doing is making a difference in people’s lives. We have also had the opportunity to open and share the stage with some of our favorite musicians including Nazareth, Trooper and Honeymoon Suite, which just makes the experience so much more pleasurable and gratifying.”
Jamie also detailed some of the musical influences that the band has as well as what to expect to hear when they play live:
“We will certainly play our singles off of “Twice on Sundays” including “Walk Away” and our beautiful ballad “Before Too Long.” We also do covers of some of our favorite artists, so you could hear “Have You Ever Seen The Rain” or “Green River” by CCR, our cover of “House Of The Rising Sun” as well as a few numbers by the Knack. We also have a great time playing “Ballroom Blitz” by Sweet, which is an incredible live song for the band.”
So what is in store for the band, what does the future hold for this hard-working band from north of the border?
“Besides touring Canada, we would like to tour the United States. I feel that our musical predecessors have made it easier for Canadian bands to be welcome by America and Americans have opened their arms to Canadian artists.”
So as the interview closed, it is apparent that Jamie and his band mates not only sincerely love what they do, but would like many more music lovers to experience their talents, their love for the music that they play and the joy and sheer pleasure that comes with being a complete, cohesive rock and roll band; appropriately named Mr. Completely.
Artist Information:
Jamie Robertson - lead vocals, guitar
Richard Spencer - lead guitar, vocals
Rod Campbell - drums, vocals
George Milutinovic - bass
Contact the band:
“Mr. Completely conquers musically because they deliberately reach for a classic sound yet end up with songs that are distinct and original and well worth praise.” - A&R Select
Tom Harrison, Music Reviewer for The Province newspaper praised Mr. Completely… "From Campbell River there is a little Blues Rock and some West Coast polish in a dozen songs and no attempt to be trendy which is to the band's credit. If you've been missing straight ahead rock, this might be your band."
Behind the scenes with Mr. Completely
Canadian Rockers Share Their Thoughts
Hailing from the blue-collar town of Campbell River, British Columbia, Canada, is a working man’s rock and roll outfit called Mr. Completely. Their critically acclaimed self-released debut CD entitled “Twice on Sundays” has been well received by audiences who love the group’s blend of classic rock, blues rock and emotional pop.
In an interview with Jamie Robertson, the energetic lead singer, we detail many of the elements that make Mr. Completely the dynamic rock and roll band that they have become.
“Our band was originally called “Month of Sundays,” but there was already a band that called themselves “A Month of Sundays,” so out of respect for those musicians, we decided a new name was in order,” explained Jamie. “So we asked our fans to vote on several alternative band names including “Sideline Poets,” “Ten Beer Pretty” and “Stingray,” among others. The online votes were tabulated and the name Mr. Completely was born.”
But what are the origins of the name and why that name? Jamie explained:
“We have added integral pieces to the band, in the form of personnel (in fact Jamie is the only original member of Month of Sundays) including guitarist extraordinaire Richard Spencer, “Hot Rod” Campbell on the drums and our anchorman George Milutinovic on bass guitar. So we completed our line up. So the name depicts the image that we are a complete band, we are family and have been together for some time now. In fact, the special bond we share even extends to our families, we are lifetime friends and even if the band were to fold, we would still hang out.”
“Our song writing is also a group effort. I may bring in a main idea or concept and we all have our distinct area of expertise and we incorporate all of our ideas to form the finished product. We get together once a week to practice, but our collaborative efforts go way beyond that. So our music and our CD reflect this union of the minds.”
When asked what specific band members do outside of the group, Jamie replied:
“We are all hard-working family men. I worked on the B.C. ferry for many years and I have left that employment to concentrate on our family sawmill business. Richard and Rod are both expert carpenters and George works in a pulp mill.”
Another question that was asked is about the specific order of the songs on their debut CD.
“Being an independent band, we decide the order of the cuts and we try to get the best flow, what fits where and the best way to shape the music so every song can be highlighted in its own way.”
As far as being termed an “indie” band, Jamie explained the elements that he feels make up the term:
“We certainly use different distribution methods, we like the control that we have; we wear all the hats, management, production, promotion as well as being the musicians. And we are ready to record another CD, but we definitely need some financial backing, so in respect we are totally “indie.” We don’t have the resources or record label as of yet, but would welcome the opportunity to be signed.”
“We have signed on with A & R Select out of Hollywood and hopefully they can find us some work on a movie soundtrack or television series. This saves the band a lot of “door knocking” and frees us up to concentrate on our music and families. But that does not mean that we don’t do our part to promote ourselves, on the contrary, my wife (Mrs. Completely) works very hard organizing our gigs, recording schedules, designing and maintaining our websites and My Space page and much more. We would not be where we are at without her hard work, she is very dedicated to making sure we are successful,” related Jamie.
Another important question is about the songs that they write and some of the influences and experiences of playing in a band and playing a live show.
“As soon as we are done writing a particular song and everyone is satisfied with their input, we ‘test drive’ it and play it live to gage the audience’s reaction and to see if we have created the song to the best of our ability. Then there is the thrill and personal satisfaction of performing in front of a large crowd, to get the emotional reaction to the song. We feel we are offering a service to our fans; we love to play our music as much as they enjoy hearing it. Music helps us through the hard times and can enhance the times that are already good. You can touch people’s lives with music on so many levels.”
“This may sound a bit strange, but some of our best shows are the many benefit shows that we do locally. So it isn’t all about the money. We take great pleasure in our live sets and feed off the energy of our audience. Plus, meeting new people and playing for these enthusiastic crowds inspires us. I love meeting fans and hearing from them how much they love our songs or hearing someone is using our song at their wedding for the first dance makes me feel that what I am doing is making a difference in people’s lives. We have also had the opportunity to open and share the stage with some of our favorite musicians including Nazareth, Trooper and Honeymoon Suite, which just makes the experience so much more pleasurable and gratifying.”
Jamie also detailed some of the musical influences that the band has as well as what to expect to hear when they play live:
“We will certainly play our singles off of “Twice on Sundays” including “Walk Away” and our beautiful ballad “Before Too Long.” We also do covers of some of our favorite artists, so you could hear “Have You Ever Seen The Rain” or “Green River” by CCR, our cover of “House Of The Rising Sun” as well as a few numbers by the Knack. We also have a great time playing “Ballroom Blitz” by Sweet, which is an incredible live song for the band.”
So what is in store for the band, what does the future hold for this hard-working band from north of the border?
“Besides touring Canada, we would like to tour the United States. I feel that our musical predecessors have made it easier for Canadian bands to be welcome by America and Americans have opened their arms to Canadian artists.”
So as the interview closed, it is apparent that Jamie and his band mates not only sincerely love what they do, but would like many more music lovers to experience their talents, their love for the music that they play and the joy and sheer pleasure that comes with being a complete, cohesive rock and roll band; appropriately named Mr. Completely.
Artist Information:
Jamie Robertson - lead vocals, guitar
Richard Spencer - lead guitar, vocals
Rod Campbell - drums, vocals
George Milutinovic - bass
Contact the band:
“Mr. Completely conquers musically because they deliberately reach for a classic sound yet end up with songs that are distinct and original and well worth praise.” - A&R Select
Tom Harrison, Music Reviewer for The Province newspaper praised Mr. Completely… "From Campbell River there is a little Blues Rock and some West Coast polish in a dozen songs and no attempt to be trendy which is to the band's credit. If you've been missing straight ahead rock, this might be your band."
Friday, November 23, 2007
Vinyl Records- A New Perspective

I hope you enjoy this article I did about a conversation with a young man from Canada. It certainly has opened my eyes, although I have referred to DJ's as helping to keep vinyl alive all these years, I never really took into account all the elements of DJing. I will be researching this topic in great detail and will have more information very soon. In the meantime, enjoy my conversation with Steve Robertson from British Columbia, Canada
Vinyl Records- A Different Perspective
As we continue to see the sales of CDs fall, it is obvious that the distribution channels of music are changing. But there is no disputing that digital downloads are the new “norm” for many people to acquire their music, be it one ninety-nine cent download or an entire album. As I ponder these changes, I still think that the vinyl record, as prehistoric as it is, is gaining popularity as well as making new fans and believers that this is the best audio format that can be heard.
As a vinyl lover, I am pretty set in my ways; no one has to convince me of the staying power and musical greatness of the vinyl record. So I was thrilled when I had a chance to interview a young man who shares the same views as I do.
I had the distinct pleasure of speaking with a nineteen-year old vinyl lover from Campbell River, British Columbia, Canada named Steve Robertson; who was gracious enough to share his thoughts and views about this old, yet treasured format. What follows is a short discussion with Steve as he shared his passion and love for vinyl records.
I asked Steve what drew him to vinyl, why does he prefer this audio format?
“Vinyl just sounds so much better; it has a unique sound that can’t be duplicated. There is a feeling of satisfaction when actually holding a physical product. And the cover art, not only from the past, but from new artists, is another reason I prefer vinyl records over any other format. I also get a sense of satisfaction in knowing that when I buy an artist’s work on vinyl, that I am supporting the musicians who release it, it just isn’t another free download,” explained Steve.
I asked Steve how long he has listened to vinyl and about what format his friends prefer.
“I have been into vinyl for several years now and vinyl is huge in British Columbia and most of my friends prefer it as well. We both like the clear sound and experience you get when playing a record. And we are interested in DJ-ing, so it fits right in. Last year I purchased a pair of Stanton turntables that have certainly helped me in my DJ-ing efforts and I plan on upgrading very soon to take it to the next level. I love the control that I have playing the music that people want to hear. The goal of a DJ is to take two different songs and blend them together in a smooth seamless way without the crowd knowing. Taking elements of one record and blending them into the other, you can then skillfully mix out the first song until it is just the new track playing. It’s like creating a new song and new music in a way. You make sure to keep up a steady stream, a continuous flow of ups and downs, it’s like telling a story, you want to keep people intrigued and interested in the music,” said Steve.
“I really think that vinyl is coming back, it sure is in our area. If my friends and I had to pick, records would be our choice and the best option to hear our music. But, they are harder to acquire, our nearest vinyl shop is an hour and a half away, so we buy most of our vinyl online.”
I asked Steve about his vinyl record collection and wanted to hear more details about his passion for D J-ing.
“To the first part of your question, I would say that I have over three hundred records, mostly classic rock like Zeppelin or Heart. But I have about seventy-five records that would fall into the electronic dance genre. That is mostly what I play when I DJ because that is what the crowd I play for wants to hear. When you’re mixing records, the control you have over the sound and the way you can manipulate the music is just like playing an instrument. You can blend and put effects on the music using your mixer or you can do some hands on scratching and add your own unique sound to it. As far as scratching goes, it’s a whole new level of DJ’ing because, in a way you are creating a sound that has never been heard before, it’s almost like live production,” explained Steve.
It was certainly refreshing to listen to Steve speak about his love for vinyl records. His enthusiasm for the format was clearly evident and especially welcome to me, a vinyl purist. And we both agreed that whatever musical genre it is that you enjoy, it certainly sounds the best emanating from a vinyl record. And that is a perspective that will help the vinyl record survive, if not thrive.
I want to personally thank Steve for his cooperation and candor in regards to our discussion about vinyl records. It is nice to hear someone from a different generation, not only passionate about the music that he listens to, but about the audio format that he chooses to listen to his music.
Feeds About Vinyl and Album Cover Art
Today I have added two new "feeds" that I think are not only relevant to the site, but I know that you will find each one full of interesting content and vinyl record news. the first one is a feed from "Wink's Collectibles" and will keep you up tpo date with the latest vinyl record news and releases from the classic rock era.
The second feed is an interesting look at vinyl record album covers and I hope you enjoy it!
These feeds are located on the left margin and are titled "Vintage Vinyl News" and "LP Cover Lover" Enjoy!
The second feed is an interesting look at vinyl record album covers and I hope you enjoy it!
These feeds are located on the left margin and are titled "Vintage Vinyl News" and "LP Cover Lover" Enjoy!
Wednesday, November 21, 2007
eBay-Finding Vinyl Treasures
I ran across a great article by John Sinkevis of The Grand Rapid Press which details the wonderful vinyl on sale on ebay, check out his story here:
Tuesday, November 20, 2007
Email Question About Vinyl Value
I have had this albums for about 25 years. I purchased it as collectors item. It hasn't been played very often at all (in fact, not the in the last 20 years) Can you tell me what it may be worth?
'Muddy Waters at Newport 1960'
Chess CH1449 1977 Chess Records (1981 distributed in Canada by Quality Records Limited) MINT!
First and foremost, the condition is the most important element of any vinyl record up for resale. If the album is in Near Mint condition, this particular album could be sold at between $250-$300, so make sure, if you are selling them on eBay, to set a higher reserve. My source for the value is the "Rockin' Records Price Guide", 2007 edition (by Jerry Osborne)
'Muddy Waters at Newport 1960'
Chess CH1449 1977 Chess Records (1981 distributed in Canada by Quality Records Limited) MINT!
First and foremost, the condition is the most important element of any vinyl record up for resale. If the album is in Near Mint condition, this particular album could be sold at between $250-$300, so make sure, if you are selling them on eBay, to set a higher reserve. My source for the value is the "Rockin' Records Price Guide", 2007 edition (by Jerry Osborne)
Shadows Lie- NYC Rock Band Debut CD
As I continue to write about independent artists that are featured on www.ilike2rock.net I want to share a piece I wrote about Kira & company, and the band Shadows Lie. Expect to hear big things from this NYC-based band in the future!
Shadows Lie
The New York City-based rock duo “Shadows Lie” needs no prolonged introduction. With fresh concepts, persistent creativity and ghostly vocals, the song writing team of vocalist Kira Leigh and producer/band member CT, draw from a myriad of influences and have created a stunning debut CD that is worthy of those influences that include Staind, Portishead-like electronics, the crisp acoustics of Days of the New and the vocal style and wherewithal of singer Tori Amos.
But the band takes their music to new levels to include a Liz Phair-like sweetness, mixed in with the boisterous vocals of Evanescence as well as the intensity and aggression of Sinead O’Conner and creates a unique meld of precision electronica and power rock.
Originating from the New York City underground, their debut CD entitled “Echoes,” was written recorded and produced by Kira and CT. The title cut, with its angel-like vocal clarity and Tori Amos-like delivery is a beautifully sang and well crafted acoustic tune.
Other cuts include the award winning song called “Dead End” (which garageband.com awarded Track of the Day in Modern Rock on March 25, 2007, Best Female Vocals in Modern Rock for the week of March 19, 2007 as well as Best Production in Modern Rock). With one listen, this acoustic rocker, complete with tempered and sophisticated layers of piano, tells you why the song is creating such a buzz. The cut called “Blank” is another acoustic gem, with sincere backing vocals but then explodes into a pure heavy metal anthem for the ages. “Shadows” delivers more of the same previously mentioned elements and is a complex, yet simply delivered acoustic gem.
But the song that captured my attention was the cut “Keep Falling Down,” a cut that is “unplugged” in the beginning as Kira masterfully sings about the serene beauty of an autumn day. The lush lyrics perfectly compliment the soft sounds of the rain as she gracefully guides us through a fall thunderstorm.
For the band’s live shows, Kira and CT are accompanied by guitarist Frank Grullon and drummer Marco Britti. The CD has received critical acclaim from many players in the music industry including Apple iTunes, who calls the release “the greatest music from an independent artist ever” and from garageband.com who proclaims “no offense to Evanescence, but there’s no a raw quality in that music like this” as well as winning praise from the Director of the Songwriter’s Hall of Fame who exclaims that Shadows Lie are “talented singer songwriters who fuse guitar rock with electronica.”
So as more listeners and music lovers are ‘turned on’ to the quasi-metal sounds that transect many different musical genres, this overpowering release has set a higher standard for the “chick-rocker” genre and Kira is certainly a voice to be reckoned with for years to come.
Band members:
Kira Leigh- vocals
CT- bass & guitar
Frank Grullon- guitars
Marco Britti- drums
Shadows Lie
The New York City-based rock duo “Shadows Lie” needs no prolonged introduction. With fresh concepts, persistent creativity and ghostly vocals, the song writing team of vocalist Kira Leigh and producer/band member CT, draw from a myriad of influences and have created a stunning debut CD that is worthy of those influences that include Staind, Portishead-like electronics, the crisp acoustics of Days of the New and the vocal style and wherewithal of singer Tori Amos.
But the band takes their music to new levels to include a Liz Phair-like sweetness, mixed in with the boisterous vocals of Evanescence as well as the intensity and aggression of Sinead O’Conner and creates a unique meld of precision electronica and power rock.
Originating from the New York City underground, their debut CD entitled “Echoes,” was written recorded and produced by Kira and CT. The title cut, with its angel-like vocal clarity and Tori Amos-like delivery is a beautifully sang and well crafted acoustic tune.
Other cuts include the award winning song called “Dead End” (which garageband.com awarded Track of the Day in Modern Rock on March 25, 2007, Best Female Vocals in Modern Rock for the week of March 19, 2007 as well as Best Production in Modern Rock). With one listen, this acoustic rocker, complete with tempered and sophisticated layers of piano, tells you why the song is creating such a buzz. The cut called “Blank” is another acoustic gem, with sincere backing vocals but then explodes into a pure heavy metal anthem for the ages. “Shadows” delivers more of the same previously mentioned elements and is a complex, yet simply delivered acoustic gem.
But the song that captured my attention was the cut “Keep Falling Down,” a cut that is “unplugged” in the beginning as Kira masterfully sings about the serene beauty of an autumn day. The lush lyrics perfectly compliment the soft sounds of the rain as she gracefully guides us through a fall thunderstorm.
For the band’s live shows, Kira and CT are accompanied by guitarist Frank Grullon and drummer Marco Britti. The CD has received critical acclaim from many players in the music industry including Apple iTunes, who calls the release “the greatest music from an independent artist ever” and from garageband.com who proclaims “no offense to Evanescence, but there’s no a raw quality in that music like this” as well as winning praise from the Director of the Songwriter’s Hall of Fame who exclaims that Shadows Lie are “talented singer songwriters who fuse guitar rock with electronica.”
So as more listeners and music lovers are ‘turned on’ to the quasi-metal sounds that transect many different musical genres, this overpowering release has set a higher standard for the “chick-rocker” genre and Kira is certainly a voice to be reckoned with for years to come.
Band members:
Kira Leigh- vocals
CT- bass & guitar
Frank Grullon- guitars
Marco Britti- drums
Monday, November 19, 2007
Van Random- California Rockers Making Waves on the West Coast
I am kind of freelancing here with this band bio/review and welcome anyone to give them a listen. They are in the process of signing on with www.ilike2rock.net and should be approved shortly. In the meantime, enjoy the great music from this up and coming rock band!
Van Random
Based out of Los Angles, California, the power-rock trio of Van Random (Zac Moore-drums, Dave Ray-bass and Greg Gaston-vocals, guitar) are blazing a vapor trail across the west coast with a rare combination of fresh, tight, structured rock and roll with their self-titled/self-released EP.
Working with an eclectic repertoire, Van Random adroitly blends various influences (from the Clash, Bowie, the Stooges, Ramones, Green Day and the Beatles) to create their distinctive musical stamp for all to enjoy.
With cuts like the jumpy-pop meets the Clash sound of “Cloudless Night,” complete with catchy riffs, an infectious refrain and expert vocals, the song would be right at home on any new rock radio station. The synth-guitar wizardry of the cut “You,” with its thumping bass and drum lines, has you bobbing your head in approval as soon as the first note is heard and could be a progressive rock standard for years to come.
With its Lou Reed type delivery, the cut “Tear It Up,” quickly progresses into Nirvana-type anthem that you swear Kurt Cobain is singing. “Get Out Now” is pure garage-psych, complete with haunting vocals and a smart refrain to boot. The synth-based sounds of “One Track Mind,” with its sultry vocals, smart bass lines and infectious hooks, quickly explodes and emotes a refined disjointed pop sound.
Other cuts from Van Random, such as “Staring At The Ceiling”, would make any Ramones’ fan stand up and take notice of the trio’s unique, yet definitive sound. Their catchy hooks, blended perfectly with tight, punk-pop, expert bass lines and stalwart drumming make Van Random a rock outfit to be reckoned with for years to come. I can’t wait to hear more.
Van Random are:
Dave Ray-bass
Greg Gaston-vocals/guitars
Zac Moore-drums
Stop by and visit the band at:
Van Random
Based out of Los Angles, California, the power-rock trio of Van Random (Zac Moore-drums, Dave Ray-bass and Greg Gaston-vocals, guitar) are blazing a vapor trail across the west coast with a rare combination of fresh, tight, structured rock and roll with their self-titled/self-released EP.
Working with an eclectic repertoire, Van Random adroitly blends various influences (from the Clash, Bowie, the Stooges, Ramones, Green Day and the Beatles) to create their distinctive musical stamp for all to enjoy.
With cuts like the jumpy-pop meets the Clash sound of “Cloudless Night,” complete with catchy riffs, an infectious refrain and expert vocals, the song would be right at home on any new rock radio station. The synth-guitar wizardry of the cut “You,” with its thumping bass and drum lines, has you bobbing your head in approval as soon as the first note is heard and could be a progressive rock standard for years to come.
With its Lou Reed type delivery, the cut “Tear It Up,” quickly progresses into Nirvana-type anthem that you swear Kurt Cobain is singing. “Get Out Now” is pure garage-psych, complete with haunting vocals and a smart refrain to boot. The synth-based sounds of “One Track Mind,” with its sultry vocals, smart bass lines and infectious hooks, quickly explodes and emotes a refined disjointed pop sound.
Other cuts from Van Random, such as “Staring At The Ceiling”, would make any Ramones’ fan stand up and take notice of the trio’s unique, yet definitive sound. Their catchy hooks, blended perfectly with tight, punk-pop, expert bass lines and stalwart drumming make Van Random a rock outfit to be reckoned with for years to come. I can’t wait to hear more.
Van Random are:
Dave Ray-bass
Greg Gaston-vocals/guitars
Zac Moore-drums
Stop by and visit the band at:
Saturday, November 17, 2007
Indie Dish TV Launched

Happy news to report concerning the Internet Radio Station www.ilike2rock.net DJ Tom has informed me of a deal he has secured with Manifest Mediaworks Inc, out of Atlanta. Read my article and watch for more updates very soon!
New Indie Dish TV to Promote Independent Videos
Independent Music Station ilike2rock.net Signs On To Help Promote Their Bands
The music world is changing, specifically the way that music is distributed. From artists such as Radiohead self-releasing a new CD, there are many new mediums for bands and artists to have their music heard. But they are no longer being held hostage by the worshiped record labels; artists can now distribute their music to any number of social venues and be heard by the masses (i.e. iTunes, MySpace, Craig’s list, Independent Radio, Squidoo). This is an important phase of the music industry as a band or artist does not need to be signed by a record label to be successful.
There is an exciting new venue for independent artists to utilize and take advantage of. Manifest Mediaworks, Inc., based out of Atlanta, is launching an Indie Dish TV channel to be broadcast in ten counties in the Atlanta area and capable of reaching over 470,000 subscribers.
I spoke with DJ Tom of the Internet Radio station www.ilike2rock.net about this exciting new opportunity for Indie Bands and their music and what it means to the station.
“The Indie Dish channel is a coupe for the Independent bands and artists and is a major stepping stone in helping promote the artists that we carry at the radio station. And this will be the first TV channel in the world that is specifically dedicated to Independent artists and their music. The TV station will feature music videos from Independent artists from all genres of music,” detailed DJ Tom.
When asked why this is important to the artists that he promotes on the radio station DJ Tom replied:
“ilike2rock.net has signed an agreement with Manifest Mediaworks, Inc. to air music videos from the artists and bands that we play and promote. This will help the artists and bands to, not only have their music heard, but to also put a face and image to that music and artist. We will also be putting together a pilot show and submitting it to the network in the hope of securing a host spot on the channel each week. Even if the pilot show falls short, Indie Dish has said that they will incorporate the artists into other shows that the station has or may be considering. ilike2rock.net is expecting our pilot show to be delivered to Indie Dish sometime in December of this year.”
So this new music video network will not only procure and promote Independent artists and their music, but it may be just the ticket that some of these bands and artists need to, not only have their music heard, but to have a specialized media outlet for their music videos.
“At ilike2rock.net, we play Independent music exclusively, all the time. And just because the artists aren’t signed to a major record label, doesn’t mean that they don’t have the talent to be signed,” explained DJ Tom. “On the contrary, we have some very professional musicians releasing radio-ready rock and roll and it is our choice at the station to promote the music to the best of our ability. This deal we have made with Manifest Mediaworks to air our artist’s music videos on their Indie dish network is another avenue that we will take advantage of,” explained DJ Tom.
At this writing, DJ Tom explained that, although the radio station will only accept music videos from artists and bands that are already on their site and radio station, they welcome Indie artists that are looking for free exposure to visit the radio station and click on the “Music Submit” button and set up a free account. The new artists will be reviewed for the web site, radio station as well as the TV promotions.
So as the way we hear music is changing, so are some of the media outlets that are employed to have the music heard. This Indie Dish TV channel is just another step in the right direction, after all, it is all about the music.
Tuesday, November 13, 2007
Chelsey Austin- Sheer Emotional Force

One of the perks I get writing for the Internet Radio Station www.ilike2rock.net is hearing new artists and music. As I continue to write reviews about the wonderful indie bands, I am blessed to hear new artists like Chelsey Austin and many others.
Chelsey Austin
When famed Grammy-winning engineer Phil York first heard nineteen-year-old “Chelsey Austin,” and was smitten by her young Pat Benatar-Debbie Harry sound, her high energy, style and her natural charisma, he felt that this true voice and sound should be heard by a larger audience. And so, with the release of her debut CD called “Download This,” that is exactly what is happening.
With the cut entitled, “Touchy Situation,” one cannot only hear, but actually feel the sheer force Austin exudes. With her angel-like voice blended perfectly with brutal guitar shrapnel, you can tell this young songstress wears her emotions on her sleeve.
Austin adroitly switches gears with the sweet tenderness and the crisp acoustics on the song called “No Reason Why.” Decidedly sophisticated, and augmented by flawless classical-like guitar work and interwoven strings and harmonies, it makes you wish all her songs sounded this good.
But, the ballsy-rocker entitled “Rock Star Queen” only proves that this versatile artist is quite adept at singing a hot romp, self-parody and as a music fan, this is all one can ask from the budding star songstress.
The spacy-reggae-like pop sounds of “I Guess You Know By Now,” takes the term eclectic music to a new level and shows this impeccable talent has so much more to offer her audience. So, as this down-home, small-town Texas gal shows off her passion and diverse musical flavors, you can’t help but get the feeling that you will be hearing her seductive pop-rock all the way to the top of the charts.
Stop by for a visit: http://www.ilike2rock.net/bands/a/chelsey_austin.html
VinylCollective.com sales for Oct 2007
Virgil Dickerson over at www.vinylcollective.com has just released the Top 30 records sold October 2007:
1 BEN WEASEL “These Ones Are Bitter” LP clear light blue vinyl
2 MINUS THE BEAR “Planet of Ice” dbl LP clear w/ gold splatter
3 Say Anything - Is a Real Boy/Was a Real Boy 2xLP black / green vinyl
4 NORMA JEAN 4 x LP Vinyl Box Set colored vinyl set A limited to 400
5 MINUS THE BEAR “Highly Refined Pirates” LP Gold with White and Blue vinyl
6 Me First And The Gimme Gimmes “Cash” 7″ Ring Of Fire Red vinyl
7 MINUS THE BEAR “Interpretaciones Del Oso” LP mystery colored vinyl
8 Me First and the Gimme Gimmes “Dolly” 7″ alfalfa green
9 THE PLAYING FAVORITES “I Remember When I Was Pretty” LP pink/blue color in color
10 EVERY TIME I DIE “The Big Dirty” LP leapord print vinyl
11 MINUS THE BEAR “Highly Refined Pirates” LP White with Blue and Black vinyl
12 Jimmy Eat World “Chase the Light” LP
13 BLACK CROSS “Severance Pays” LP Pink Vinyl
14 Modern Life Is War ‘Stagger Lee’ 7″ red/black haze vinyl
15 BEN WEASEL “These Ones Are Bitter” LP clear brown
16 MARITIME Heresy & The Hotel Choir #d COLOR VINYL LP+7”
17 Bomb the Music Industry! / O Pioneers split LP 10″ all 4 colors (VC MB special)
18 MINUS THE BEAR “highly refined pirates” / “interpretaciones” all 5 colors
19 THE PLAYING FAVORITES “I Remember When I Was Pretty” LP all 3 colors
20 DASHBOARD CONFESSIONAL “The Shade Of Poison Trees” LP Pumpkin vinyl
21 New Bruises - Goodbye Middle Class 7″ white vinyl with silk-screened covers
22 SPARTA “Threes” dbl LP peach w/ black splatter
23 mewithoutYou Brother, Sister LP
24 Gaslight Anthem “Sink or Swim” LP white with red splatter
25 New Bruises - Goodbye Middle Class 7″ yellow vinyl with silk-screened covers
26 MINUS THE BEAR “Planet of Ice” dbl LP solid white vinyl
27 Modern Life Is War ‘Stagger Lee’ 7″ white/black haze vinyl
28 POLYPROPYLENE 12″ Record Jacket SLEEVE with 1-1/2″ RESEAL Flap
29 Portugal the Man Waiter: You Vultures LP clear w/ gold
30 THE BLED “Silent Treatment” dbl LP Blue Vinyl
30 DASHBOARD CONFESSIONAL “The Shade Of Poison Trees” LP Mustard vinyl
30 Bane “The Note” LP orange/black vinyl
Thanks for being the definitive collectible record supplier for Indie collectibles!
1 BEN WEASEL “These Ones Are Bitter” LP clear light blue vinyl
2 MINUS THE BEAR “Planet of Ice” dbl LP clear w/ gold splatter
3 Say Anything - Is a Real Boy/Was a Real Boy 2xLP black / green vinyl
4 NORMA JEAN 4 x LP Vinyl Box Set colored vinyl set A limited to 400
5 MINUS THE BEAR “Highly Refined Pirates” LP Gold with White and Blue vinyl
6 Me First And The Gimme Gimmes “Cash” 7″ Ring Of Fire Red vinyl
7 MINUS THE BEAR “Interpretaciones Del Oso” LP mystery colored vinyl
8 Me First and the Gimme Gimmes “Dolly” 7″ alfalfa green
9 THE PLAYING FAVORITES “I Remember When I Was Pretty” LP pink/blue color in color
10 EVERY TIME I DIE “The Big Dirty” LP leapord print vinyl
11 MINUS THE BEAR “Highly Refined Pirates” LP White with Blue and Black vinyl
12 Jimmy Eat World “Chase the Light” LP
13 BLACK CROSS “Severance Pays” LP Pink Vinyl
14 Modern Life Is War ‘Stagger Lee’ 7″ red/black haze vinyl
15 BEN WEASEL “These Ones Are Bitter” LP clear brown
16 MARITIME Heresy & The Hotel Choir #d COLOR VINYL LP+7”
17 Bomb the Music Industry! / O Pioneers split LP 10″ all 4 colors (VC MB special)
18 MINUS THE BEAR “highly refined pirates” / “interpretaciones” all 5 colors
19 THE PLAYING FAVORITES “I Remember When I Was Pretty” LP all 3 colors
20 DASHBOARD CONFESSIONAL “The Shade Of Poison Trees” LP Pumpkin vinyl
21 New Bruises - Goodbye Middle Class 7″ white vinyl with silk-screened covers
22 SPARTA “Threes” dbl LP peach w/ black splatter
23 mewithoutYou Brother, Sister LP
24 Gaslight Anthem “Sink or Swim” LP white with red splatter
25 New Bruises - Goodbye Middle Class 7″ yellow vinyl with silk-screened covers
26 MINUS THE BEAR “Planet of Ice” dbl LP solid white vinyl
27 Modern Life Is War ‘Stagger Lee’ 7″ white/black haze vinyl
28 POLYPROPYLENE 12″ Record Jacket SLEEVE with 1-1/2″ RESEAL Flap
29 Portugal the Man Waiter: You Vultures LP clear w/ gold
30 THE BLED “Silent Treatment” dbl LP Blue Vinyl
30 DASHBOARD CONFESSIONAL “The Shade Of Poison Trees” LP Mustard vinyl
30 Bane “The Note” LP orange/black vinyl
Thanks for being the definitive collectible record supplier for Indie collectibles!
Monday, November 12, 2007
www.ilike2rock.net-New Artist Reviews


As I continue to write band bio's/reviews for the Internet Radio Station www.ilike2rock.net, I have posted a couple for you below. Be sure to check out ilike2rock.com, indie music all the time!
Five Star Iris
Like the bands that influence the Atlanta-based rock band “Five Star Iris,” (including U2, the Foo Fighters, Collective Soul and Train) the crew uses real-life situations and emotions to beautifully create melodic and conceptual alternative pop-rock.
The lead single entitled “Let It All Out,” from the band’s debut release (Hooptyville), essentially captures the emotion of communication (or lack thereof) and why it is an imperative element of every individual.
“My father used to say that communication makes friends and a lack of communication makes enemies,” explained lead vocalist Alan Schaefer.
With well-defined acoustics and a U2-meets Morrisey vocal delivery and augmenting this with exceptional background vocals and smart lyrics, the band has no problem communicating their views with the simple, sturdy melodic tune. “Let It All Out” is a tune that should be on any Modern Rock radio play list and is a Modern Rock classic.
The cut “Is There Something I Can Do,” complete with sweet, passionate lyrics asks the helpless question and emotion that we have all faced in life at one time or another when faced with the loss of a loved one. With irenic and painfully confessional lyrics, the band adeptly mixes lush melodies, crisp acoustics and clusters of harmonies to create their signature ballad.
Mischievous lyrics and a tongue-in-cheek infectious refrain encompass the soulful bass lines of the cut “What The Hell’s Your Problem Now.” The song pretty much tells you to get off your ass and do something about whatever sad situation you fall into and does it with musical splendor.
The cut “Starry Eyed” mixes deep flowing rhythms with pure rock and roll combined with a spacey drawl and a lead guitar solo that is an air guitarists dream. Other songs include the full-bore rocker called “Follow You Down,” that is filled with the angst of a broken relationship and the cut “World Needs Now,” an infectious social commentary anthem that shows off the band’s compelling array of musical soundscapes.
All in all the band gets an A+ for their originality, impassioned vocals, persistent creativity and musicianship and is certainly one of the untapped talents of Modern Rock.
Five Star Iris :
Alan Schaefer - Lead Vocals, Guitar;
Alex Winfield - Lead Guitar, Vocals
Rob Schaefer - Bass, Vocals
Dan Fishman - Drums, Vocals
Stop by and visit with the band at and tell them you heard them at ilike2rock.net!
Another up and coming band is also from the Atlanta area and are also burning up Internet Radio:
State Of Man
After listening to the alternative rock band “State Of Man’s” CD entitled “Both Sides of the Story,” it is easy to see why the Atlanta-based band has the reputation of being one of the East Coast’s premier rock and roll bands.
The band combines crushing guitars, blended in with sweet acoustics and sheer rock and roll to formulate their own powerful and expressive sound. The cut “Be Still (My Heart),” is a perfect example of this formula. Sounding a bit like a cross between Sevendust and 3 Doors Down with an element of the Goo Goo dolls sprinkled in, the song is a unique high-voltage rocker.
The piano and acoustics of the cut “Bound In Chains” is full of impassioned vocals, steady and exploding guitar work and would be right at home being on the play list of any alternative/modern rock radio station. “Swallow Your Fears,” complete with impassioned vocals that are abruptly mixed with the pounded-and-sawed caution of tight metal riffs, completely captures the essence of the introspective lyrics.
The cut, “Never Forget,” exemplifies State Of Man’s persistent creativity by adroitly weaving their hard-edged rock with the powerful pipes of vocalist John Stringer’s boisterous, yet refined, voice, to craft their distinctive blend of soulful modern rock.
Combine all these elements and you have “one of the East Coast’s premier acts” (XM Satellite Radio). One of the strengths of State Of Man is their explosive live sets, and it is no wonder that they have opened for such major acts such as Kid Rock, Live, Stone Temple Pilots, No Doubt and Hoobastank. After an incredible year of topping the Billboard Hot 100 Singles Chart for eight consecutive weeks, one can only imply that the best is yet to come.
State Of Man are:
John Stringer- vocals, acoustic guitar
Thomas Panza- guitars
James Beale- bass
Chris Love- drums
Visit the band here and listen to their great sound!
Thursday, November 8, 2007
JazzWax.com- Refreshing and current news about Jazz
I've recently discovered a jazz music site at jazzwax.com that I hope you will find interesting. Marc Myers is a New York writer who listens to jazz CDs and LPs throughout the day. His thoughts and recommendations appear here daily. Keep up with the latest in jazz music and jazz vinyl records with this fascinating site.
ClassicBands.com- A Pleasant Look At Rock And Roll's Classic Music
Want to read about a classic rock band? I suggest www.ClassicBands.com where you can find rock and roll trivia, rock and roll biographies, rock and roll interviews, rock and roll record charts, this week in rock and roll history, how bands got their names, the best selling records, the history of banned rock, fascinating facts, unsolved mysteries rock and roll heaven and much, much more. Spend an afternoon reading about your favorite stars from yesteryear!
Tuesday, November 6, 2007
Vinyl Record Collecting Will Never Go Out Of Style
Vinyl Record Collecting Alive and Well
By Robert Benson
According to a recent report from eBay, the online auction giant, they sell more than three million vinyl records each year. It is also reported that eBay users buy and sell six vinyl records every minute (or an average of one every ten seconds). It seems the vinyl record, just a few years ago an afterthought as an audio format, is alive and well. So what is all the fuss about?
First and foremost, if you ask any record collector, it is the sound quality they love the most about vinyl. The music isn’t compressed into ones and zeros or “binary sound.” Then of course, there is the element of “collectibility,” people may buy vinyl as an investment, in hope that, over time, the records will appreciate in value.
Furthermore, people collect vinyl because they may want a piece of their past, so nostalgia is also an important element for the record collector. People are also drawn to actually owning a physical product and may enjoy the ritual that is involved in listening to the records. And a new generation has discovered the special allure that vinyl records have, the limited editions, colored vinyl, picture discs, “audiophile” records (a 180-220 gram), the album cover artwork and the sound have all lured youngsters in the hobby of collecting vinyl records.
But, there are more reasons people collect vinyl. Besides the aforementioned elements, it is also big business. The old vinyl records on the auction sites, as well as the hundreds of other vinyl related web sites, are not selling their collectible vinyl for rummage sale prices. In fact, at any given moment, there may be more than six thousand collectible Beatles’ albums for sale on eBay. Some have sold for thousands of dollars and it is reported that the album that is bought and sold the most in vinyl format is the Beatles’ “White Album.” But it is not only the Beatles that sell well and are highly collectible. Artists such as the Rolling Stones, Bob Dylan, James Brown, Madonna, Pink Floyd, Led Zeppelin, Elvis Presley and even newer artists like Nirvana, Radiohead and many more are all highly sought after. There is also a keen interest in “Northern Soul,” Motown records, old blues recordings as well as jazz, punk and indie vinyl records.
Furthermore, recording artists themselves are reported to own vast and eclectic record collections. Just as creating music is their passion, finding rare and collectible vinyl is sometimes just as important. It is reported that John Lennon was an avid collector of all the Beatles’ bootlegs he could find. Peter Buck, of the rock band R.E.M. is an avid collector as well and there is a long list of musicians who get the same thrill as all collectors get when they find a specific vinyl record at an estate sale that may have eluded them for years.
However, it is not just the garage sales, rummage sales, estate sales, record conventions that carry collectible vinyl. The online community has responded as well, and besides the auction sites, there are literally hundreds of web sites that sell vinyl exclusively, in any musical genre that a person may have an interest in.
People also collect vinyl for the album cover art or the 45-rpm record sleeve and some may be more valuable than the vinyl record that they hold. There are many businesses that frame these marvelous pieces of art and audio history for display and preservation.
So just as there has been a resurgence in the sale and visibility of vinyl records, along with this is an increase in the hobby of vinyl record collecting and album cover art. This hobby is as old as the format itself, and a wonderful hobby that will continue to thrill its participants for decades to come.
By Robert Benson
According to a recent report from eBay, the online auction giant, they sell more than three million vinyl records each year. It is also reported that eBay users buy and sell six vinyl records every minute (or an average of one every ten seconds). It seems the vinyl record, just a few years ago an afterthought as an audio format, is alive and well. So what is all the fuss about?
First and foremost, if you ask any record collector, it is the sound quality they love the most about vinyl. The music isn’t compressed into ones and zeros or “binary sound.” Then of course, there is the element of “collectibility,” people may buy vinyl as an investment, in hope that, over time, the records will appreciate in value.
Furthermore, people collect vinyl because they may want a piece of their past, so nostalgia is also an important element for the record collector. People are also drawn to actually owning a physical product and may enjoy the ritual that is involved in listening to the records. And a new generation has discovered the special allure that vinyl records have, the limited editions, colored vinyl, picture discs, “audiophile” records (a 180-220 gram), the album cover artwork and the sound have all lured youngsters in the hobby of collecting vinyl records.
But, there are more reasons people collect vinyl. Besides the aforementioned elements, it is also big business. The old vinyl records on the auction sites, as well as the hundreds of other vinyl related web sites, are not selling their collectible vinyl for rummage sale prices. In fact, at any given moment, there may be more than six thousand collectible Beatles’ albums for sale on eBay. Some have sold for thousands of dollars and it is reported that the album that is bought and sold the most in vinyl format is the Beatles’ “White Album.” But it is not only the Beatles that sell well and are highly collectible. Artists such as the Rolling Stones, Bob Dylan, James Brown, Madonna, Pink Floyd, Led Zeppelin, Elvis Presley and even newer artists like Nirvana, Radiohead and many more are all highly sought after. There is also a keen interest in “Northern Soul,” Motown records, old blues recordings as well as jazz, punk and indie vinyl records.
Furthermore, recording artists themselves are reported to own vast and eclectic record collections. Just as creating music is their passion, finding rare and collectible vinyl is sometimes just as important. It is reported that John Lennon was an avid collector of all the Beatles’ bootlegs he could find. Peter Buck, of the rock band R.E.M. is an avid collector as well and there is a long list of musicians who get the same thrill as all collectors get when they find a specific vinyl record at an estate sale that may have eluded them for years.
However, it is not just the garage sales, rummage sales, estate sales, record conventions that carry collectible vinyl. The online community has responded as well, and besides the auction sites, there are literally hundreds of web sites that sell vinyl exclusively, in any musical genre that a person may have an interest in.
People also collect vinyl for the album cover art or the 45-rpm record sleeve and some may be more valuable than the vinyl record that they hold. There are many businesses that frame these marvelous pieces of art and audio history for display and preservation.
So just as there has been a resurgence in the sale and visibility of vinyl records, along with this is an increase in the hobby of vinyl record collecting and album cover art. This hobby is as old as the format itself, and a wonderful hobby that will continue to thrill its participants for decades to come.
Monday, November 5, 2007
ebay vinyl record sales figures
Here are the results from the top five ebay sales as reported at http://ccdiscoveries.blogspot.com/ as of 10/13/2007
An impossibly rare (and possibly impossible) Beatles Yesterday and Today butcher LP topped eBay sales at $10,000.00, receiving only 1 bid. Someone was rapacious. The messages in this listing were an interesting read of history, opinions and possible apocryphy. Who did what at what factory? Who had the only sealed copies? Truth is the truth doesn't matter. Some records are to collectors like prostitutes to a horny coal miner.
Next, a Blues 78 RPM by Jay Bird Coleman on the Gennett "Ah'm Sick And Tired Of Tellin' You (To Wiggle That Thing)" / "No More Good Water - 'Cause The Pond Is Dry" sold for $4,522.00, receiving 14 bids from a starting bid of $99.99. In the #3 spot, a signed Elvis Aloha from Hawaii LP from the estate of Jack Lord sold for $2,827.00, receiving 18 bids from a starting bid of $800.00.
A private press Psych 45 RPM from The Human Expression "Love At Psychedelic Velocity" sold for $2500.00, receiving 5 bids from a starting bid of $500.00.
And last, a Northern Soul 45 RPM from Jackey Beavers "I Need My Baby" / "Love Can Never Grow Old" sold for $2,247.22, receving 4 bids from a starting bid of $0.99.
An impossibly rare (and possibly impossible) Beatles Yesterday and Today butcher LP topped eBay sales at $10,000.00, receiving only 1 bid. Someone was rapacious. The messages in this listing were an interesting read of history, opinions and possible apocryphy. Who did what at what factory? Who had the only sealed copies? Truth is the truth doesn't matter. Some records are to collectors like prostitutes to a horny coal miner.
Next, a Blues 78 RPM by Jay Bird Coleman on the Gennett "Ah'm Sick And Tired Of Tellin' You (To Wiggle That Thing)" / "No More Good Water - 'Cause The Pond Is Dry" sold for $4,522.00, receiving 14 bids from a starting bid of $99.99. In the #3 spot, a signed Elvis Aloha from Hawaii LP from the estate of Jack Lord sold for $2,827.00, receiving 18 bids from a starting bid of $800.00.
A private press Psych 45 RPM from The Human Expression "Love At Psychedelic Velocity" sold for $2500.00, receiving 5 bids from a starting bid of $500.00.
And last, a Northern Soul 45 RPM from Jackey Beavers "I Need My Baby" / "Love Can Never Grow Old" sold for $2,247.22, receving 4 bids from a starting bid of $0.99.
Site Offers Fresh Insights to The Music World & The Arts
Music, Arts, People & Ideas-
“Manuel Marino is a former mp3.com artist who decided to strike out on his own after mp3.com’s copyright scandal in 2000. His studio, Marino Sounds, provides audio for game, television and multimedia projects at as low a rate as possible in order to actively encourage business from the indie scene. Projects such as Derek Smart’s Universal Combat and the X-com inspired UFO: Alien Invasion gave Marino a certain kudos, and his current work on the Morrowind ITP (Italian Translation Project) comprises a further step towards the mainstream. “Being ‘indie’ is like being in a big family. I feel that other independent musicians and designers are my brothers, and that they deserve my help,” he told me. He’s enjoyed the game experience so much that he’s planning to establish a full-time dev team.” (Paul Taylor, Music4Games)
“Manuel Marino is a former mp3.com artist who decided to strike out on his own after mp3.com’s copyright scandal in 2000. His studio, Marino Sounds, provides audio for game, television and multimedia projects at as low a rate as possible in order to actively encourage business from the indie scene. Projects such as Derek Smart’s Universal Combat and the X-com inspired UFO: Alien Invasion gave Marino a certain kudos, and his current work on the Morrowind ITP (Italian Translation Project) comprises a further step towards the mainstream. “Being ‘indie’ is like being in a big family. I feel that other independent musicians and designers are my brothers, and that they deserve my help,” he told me. He’s enjoyed the game experience so much that he’s planning to establish a full-time dev team.” (Paul Taylor, Music4Games)
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